Momentum Aeronautics
Momentum Aeronautics is a full-service engineering company specialising in design and certification of aircraft and aircraft modifications.
They have a passion for creating things of value; whether an engineering report, a well-designed repair, a custom alteration, an STC, a personal relationship, or a business system that helps an organization excel; they are motivated first and foremost by creating lasting value. Like the Innovaero team they just happen to love aeroplanes.
Momentum Aeronautics is located at the Downtown St. Paul Airport (KSTP) in St. Paul Minnesota and serves customer across not only North America, but also expanding globally. They have in-house design, analysis, testing, certification and inspection services. In addition to those in-house capabilities there is an extensive network of specialty contractors who we can engage to help solve Client’s engineering and certification challenges quickly and effectively.

Across-the-globe collaboration
Innovaero and Momentum have collaborated in delivering a complete end-to-end client experience to Eagleview Technologies. This global collaboration allows the Australian design, certification and manufacturing capabilities, matched with US modification and inspection approvals, and issuing Experimental & Standard Certificates of Airworthiness, to deliver a complete turn-key aeronautical product support package to the client.
Team alignment
Momentum Aeronautics and Innovaero are definitely on the same page when it comes to their passion for delivering value and end-to-end excellence to clients. The organisations are remarkably similar and share common values, ambition and team spirit. Working together the two are able to deliver a phenomenal global service.